Episode 71 19 min

19 Hilariously Accurate Client Red Flags

Nothing in the world of contracting sucks the life out of you or your team like a miserable client. A sorry SOB whose apparent mission in life is to ruin yours. It almost seems they take pleasure in the process.

Nothing in the world of contracting sucks the life out of you or your team like a miserable client. A sorry SOB whose apparent mission in life is to ruin yours. It almost seems they take pleasure in the process.

What I’m saying is I think we can all agree that avoiding the crazies is in your best interest. And the sooner the better.

After running my own painting company and talking to over 1000 contractors, I’ve noticed there are a few client patterns that have emerged in our collective experience.

I should mention, this list is by no means exhaustive and if you have your own red flags I’d love you to leave them in the comments of this episode’s Youtube video. I read all the comments you guys put in there.

Episode Highlights (6 Key Phrases That Should Raise A Red Flag):

  • “Can I help out? And what kind of discount will I get if I do?”
  • “We bought the materials already, just charge us for labor.”
  • “I could do this myself, I’m just so busy”
  • “I’m a realtor and I’ve flipped many houses so I know what things cost.”
  • “I have a brother-in-law who does some flooring. Can he be involved?”
  • “I’m super busy, do we have to meet?”

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