Episode 118 45 min

Collaborate With Competition? Or Hide Your Trade Secrets? - Nick Slavik

My guest on the show today is Nick Slavik. Owner of Nick Slavik Painting and Restoration Company, the Chairman of the Board for the Painting Contractors Association, and a minor celebrity in the painting world known for his “Ask A Painter” Facebook live series.

My guest on the show today is Nick Slavik. Owner of Nick Slavik Painting and Restoration Company, the Chairman of the Board for the Painting Contractors Association, and a minor celebrity in the painting world known for his “Ask A Painter” Facebook live series.

On today’s episode, we try to answer one simple question 

Should you collaborate with your competition? Or protect your trade secrets?

Entrepreneurs have strong opinions when it comes to this polarizing question. And I’ve heard the case made for both sides 100 times.

Many claim it’s unwise to share your trade secrets or fraternize with the enemy in any way.  

Others say “there’s more than enough work for everyone” and that connecting with other contractors is the fastest way to compress learning curves and raise the bar for the industry.

Watch this episode to hear Nick’s answers to these questions. 

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