Episode 84 56 min

How and Where to Find Your Integrator: Mark C. Winters Pt. 2 - Mark C. Winters

Mark and his team at Rocket Fuel University™ discovered there are 4 Visionaries for every 1 Integrator. Which means really good Integrators are hard to find…and even harder to keep. If you want to learn where to look for your integrator, and more importantly, the principles for keeping them happy and effective, watch this episode.

This episode is Part 2 of a 2 part conversation with Mark C. Winters,  co-author of Rocket Fuel and the foremost expert and Visionary/Integrator relationship.  If you haven’t listened to part 1 of this episode, go do that now.

In part 1 of this 2 part conversation Mark and I focused on the dynamics between a Visionary and an Integrator.

What wasn’t shared in that episode is that great Integrators are RARE.

Mark and his team at Rocket Fuel University™ discovered there are 4 Visionaries for every 1 Integrator.

Which means really good Integrators are hard to find…and even harder to keep.

If you want to learn where to look for your integrator, and more importantly, the principles for keeping them happy and effective, watch this episode.

Highlights from this episode:

  • Where to find great Integrators both inside and outside your organization
  • The necessary 3 part process for successfully onboarding an integrator so they quickly earn team respect and don’t burn out.
  • 5 Rules to follow to ensure a long term relationship thrives between the Visionary and the Integrator
  • The way to maintain equality in the relationship even when it’s not equal ownership
  • The difference between Visionaries and “Idea People” and how the latter is not actually very beneficial to a company
  • What happens when either the Visionary or the Integrator outgrow the role? How do you responsibly exit the relationship


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