Proposals That Sell Themselves; The Easiest Way To Boost Your Closing Ratio - with Ryan Shantz
When you add up all the quotes, estimates, proposals (whatever you call them) that you do in a year and consider the sheer volume of sales opportunities your business has every season, you realize that even a slight boost in efficiency has a massive impact on how much revenue you sell. If you could land one more deal out of every 10 quotes you give. How many dollars would that add up to? How much more profit would your business generate with no extra effort.
To download Ryan Shantz’ sample quote, click here:
When you add up all the quotes, estimates, proposals (whatever you call them) that you do in a year and consider the sheer volume of sales opportunities your business has every season, you realize that even a slight boost in efficiency has a massive impact on how much revenue you sell.
If you could land one more deal out of every 10 quotes you give. How many dollars would that add up to? How much more profit would your business generate with no extra effort.
Do the math… Seriously… the number might surprise you because it’s a lot.
One of the easiest ways to maximize your closing ratio is by leaving your customer with a beautiful and informative proposal that does a bunch of the selling for you. Something that not only articulates the scope of work in precise detail, but also showcases your brand as the obvious solution to your customer’s problems.
It turns out there is actually a formula to building such a perfect proposal, and to walk us through it we have Ryan Shantz on the show today. Ryan is the Founder of SumoQuote.
For years, Ryan has obsessed over how to craft the perfect proposal that will stand for itself and drive more sales.
Why is he qualified to be a subject matter expert on this topic?
Well, for years prior to SumoQuote, he has owned (and still owns) a massive 8 figure roofing company in Calgary, Alberta. When he implemented these high level proposals into the company their closing ratios shot up from 27 to 44 percent. On today’s show he breaks down the ingredients that go into a proposal that sells itself.
In this week’s episode we discuss:
- The 5 core items that exist in proposals that sell themselves
- The simple key image that is most likely to impact the homeowners decision (that most quotes leave out)
- The psychology behind strategically placed visuals and graphic design
- Where to include social proof in your design to increase SR
- New ways to make it super easy for the customer to say yes
- How a better proposal allows you to scale your sales team while protecting you from liability
So if you want to close more, charge more, and save time, this episode is a must listen.