Episode 119 64 min

The Easy Way To Get More 5-Star Google Reviews - Lars Kristensen

Here are 3 factoids you should probably know when considering how you’ll take your marketing and sales to the next level: 90% of consumers think reviews are more important than any information provided by salespeople.

Here are 3 factoids you should probably know when considering how you’ll take your marketing and sales to the next level:

  1. 90% of consumers think reviews are more important than any information provided by salespeople. 
  2. Reviews are 12x more credible to a customer than the sales copy on your website. 
  3. While 75% of customers would be willing to provide a review, only 13% of small businesses ask.

That’s a data-driven way of saying: buyers only care about what other customers say about you.  And that’s about it.

To learn how to get better reviews more often, with less effort, you’ll want to check out this week’s episode of Contractor Evolution with Lars Kristensen, Founder and CEO of NiceJob.

Click the links below to learn:

  • why a 4.8/5 rating is better than a perfect 5 
  • how to capitalize on your customer’s “moment of peak excitement” 
  • and how to deal with the dreaded 1-star reviews (newsflash: starting a heated battle in the comments for all to see ain’t it 😉

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