Episode 44 38 min

(UHF Series 4/6) Filter Out The Time Wasters with The Perfect Interview Set Up Call - with Danny Kerr

Last week with Asad Zaman we talked about some of the active recruiting and promotional tactics you can lean on besides just your basic job boards. At this point in the funnel you should be starting to receive applicants… and if you’ve followed the best practices shared over the past 3 episodes you should have quite the volume coming at you.

To download the Contractor Interview SetUp Call click here: https://trybta.com/PCDLEP44

Hey, Welcome back to Contractor Evolution and episode 4 of our 6 part Ultimate Hiring Funnel Series.

Last week with Asad Zaman we talked about some of the active recruiting and promotional tactics you can lean on besides just your basic job boards.

At this point in the funnel you should be starting to receive applicants… and if you’ve followed the best practices shared over the past 3 episodes you should have quite the volume coming at you.

As we said last time, making a good hire is impossible if you have no one good to choose from. So now that you’ve solved that problem, the question becomes, “How do we prioritize and convert our best applicants into interviews?”

This applicant flow management and interview set up call stage is an unbelievably important step and one that entrepreneurs often don’t take seriously enough. Not Taking it seriously leads to you wasting your time on the wrong candidates, or worse – being no-showed by your interviewee.

To walk us through this we’re lucky to have Danny Kerr, managing director at Breakthrough Academy.

Before starting Breakthrough Academy, Danny was the head recruiter for all of Western Canada for College Pro Painters. He’s the best person we know at this critical flow management and interview set up stage.

In this episode we cover:

  • The most efficient way to categorise, process and schedule applicants
  • How to treat referral candidates vs outside applicants
  • The best way to get people to open up on the phone so you get a better sense of who you’re really talking to
  • The questions to ask to draw out their true motivations
  • When to bring up ‘Deal Breaker’ questions
  • The best way to close out the call and transition to the next phase of the process