(Ultimate Hiring Funnel Series 1/6) Ideal Candidate Profiles: Begin with the end in mind - with Josianne Gaudette
So look – it is no secret that hiring is hard. Like really hard. Especially in our construction and trade Industries. Labour shortages are a real thing, and yes, perhaps Millennials and Gen Z’ers aren’t as gritty as older Generations may have been.
To get the Ideal Candidate Template and Examples click here: https://trybta.com/PCDLEP41
You can get in touch with Josianne by contacting her company https://crewhr.co
Welcome to the first part of our Ultimate Hiring Funnel Series, today is episode 1.
I’m going to talk quickly about what this entire series is about and then I’ll get to today’s episode.
So look – it is no secret that hiring is hard. Like really hard. Especially in our construction and trade Industries.
Labour shortages are a real thing, and yes, perhaps Millennials and Gen Z’ers aren’t as gritty as older Generations may have been.
And also yes, the government has paid a bunch of people to stay at home for over a year-and-a-half leading to a super lethargic Workforce. We get it.
But look, it is what it is and can’t do much about the above factors. What you can do though is build the best hiring funnel in your market…and that is exactly what the next six episodes are going to be all about.
Over the coming weeks we’re going to explain in plain English how you can think like a marketer and start building an Employer Brand that attracts top talent.
It doesn’t matter whether you are a seasoned pro, or you just started your business this year. It also doesn’t matter what trade you are in. If you’re in home services and you want to build your dream team this series is for you.
Today is episode 1 and we couldn’t be more excited to launch the series with our favourite recruiter Josianne Gaudette.
Josianne runs Crew HR here in Vancouver. She has a master’s in HR and over her extensive 18-year career she’s been involved in the hiring of over 600 roles for her huge book of clients. We here at breakthrough Academy have also worked with her a ton over the years and she is a true expert in all things recruitment.
In today’s episode she teaches us how to make an Ideal Candidate Profile which is the primary building block for any hiring funnel.
Think about it – you can’t hire the right person if you don’t know exactly what you’re looking for in the first place.
While that might seem kind of obvious a lot of people mess this up. Josianne explains in no uncertain terms how you can gain tremendous clarity about who you want, and then how to leverage that Clarity throughout the rest of your hiring funnel.
In this episode we cover:
- What an Ideal Candidate Profile is and why you don’t want to post a job ad without one
- How to systematically establish deliverables and accountabilities on an Ideal Candidate Profile
- Where personality traits fit in, and how to establish the the traits that will fit the role
- How to identify what a good job candidate looks like if you haven’t hired the position before
- What will likely happen if you don’t create an Ideal Candidate Profile
- Examples from a real contractor’s Ideal Candidate Profile