Episode 58 32 min

Husband and Wife Team Doubles Revenue in One Year: Case Study - with Channell & Curtis Murray

Today’s Episode is a case study with Curtis and Channell Murray of 180 Kitchens: A kitchen cabinet refacing business based in Vancouver BC. Listen carefully now okay? In one short year, they accomplished the following.

Today’s Episode is a case study with Curtis and Channell Murray of 180 Kitchens: A kitchen cabinet refacing business based in Vancouver BC. Listen carefully now okay? In one short year, they accomplished the following.

  • They increased their top line revenue by 250%
  • They moved their net profit from an already healthy 15% to a world class 22%
  • They doubled the size of their team
  • And they both work 15 hours a week less than they did before
  • Oh and just as a side note, they did all this with 3 kids under 5.

So the obvious question is HOW? That’s what we’re going to unpack here over the next half an hour. we’re going to get into the story of how they tamed the chaos in their business, and most importantly they’re going to break down the three most crucial systems that underpinned this tremendous growth.

Why, despite having a clear vision, Channell and Curtis struggled to make any gains towards it.

  • What the first year of Breakthrough Academy was like and the unexpected learnings
  • The first ‘big secret’ that led to a significant shift in how work got done at 180 kitchens
  • 3 of the ‘big picture’ management tactics Channell and Curtis changed to create massive growth in 1 year
  • How 180 Kitchens use GSR’s to keep everything running efficiently and significantly reduced the need for BS meetings
  • What life looks like now vs 2 years ago for Channell and Curtis.

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